April 22nd - April 26th

 Bobcat Family Blog #33

Bell Schedule



Roseville City District Website

Chilton Website


Dear Chilton Families,

Although we are nearing the end of our school year, we are still focused on fostering a sense of community and citizenship within our students. One important aspect of this is instilling in them the values of respect, responsibility, and consideration for others.

We believe that instilling a strong sense of civic responsibility starts at a young age, and that is why we are encouraging our students to be respectful citizens, especially when interacting with local businesses. These establishments are not only vital to our community's economic health, but they also provide valuable services that enhance our quality of life. Their owners, employees and patrons are our community members and the businesses and people in them should be treated with kindness and respect. 

We are asking your help in talking to your students about ways in which we can collectively contribute to being good citizens when visiting local businesses:
  • Respectful and Appropriate Behavior: Encourage your child to be polite, patient, and considerate when interacting with the staff and fellow patrons of local businesses. Simple acts of kindness, such as holding doors open, saying "please" and "thank you," and being mindful of personal space, can go a long way.
  • Cleanliness and Orderliness: Remind your child to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the establishments they visit. Encourage them to dispose of trash properly and to leave spaces as they found them.
  • Follow Rules and Regulations: Instill in your child the importance of respecting the rules and regulations set forth by local businesses. This includes adhering to posted signs, age restrictions, and any specific guidelines provided by the establishment.
By instilling these values in our students, we are not only shaping them into responsible citizens, but we are also contributing to the vitality and prosperity of our community. Together, we can make a positive impact on the places we call home.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.


Jeff Ancker
Principal, Chilton Middle School

Important Dates 

4/22: PTC Dine-Out @Moksa
4/25: Yearbook Field Trip
5/3: PTC Meeting @6pm

Upcoming Sports/Student Events

4/22: Boys Volleyball @ Chilton
4/22: Girls Flag Football @ Chilton
4/25: Boys Volleyball @ Chilton
4/25: Girls Flag Football @ Chilton
4/25: Tack Meet @ Creekview
4/25: Spring Play @Chilton 6:30-8:30pm
4/26: Spring Play @Chilton 6:30-8:30pm
4/29: Track Finals @ Whitney High
4/30: Boys Volleyball @ Cooley
4/30: Girls Flag Football @ Cooly
5/2: Boys Volleyball @ Chilton
5/2: Girls Flag Football @ Chilton
4/9: Track Meet @ West Park (home)
4/11: Boys Volleyball @ Granite Oaks
4/11: Girls Flag Football @ Granite Oaks

Classified Employee of the Year for Health and Student Services!

We wanted to let everyone know that our amazing, wonderful, magnificent, superb librarian, ✨Lou Fairbairnhas been named 

Roseville City School District Classified Employee of the Year for Health and Student Services!!!!🎉😀🎆 

Meghan Baichtal and a couple of other members of our district office delivered the flowers and good news to her. Way to go, Lou! Very well deserved!

Message from MoJoe's

MoJoe's Cafe is a place where everyone should feel welcome and respected. Our staff works tirelessly to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for all who walk through our doors, and our customers deserve to enjoy their time here without feeling uncomfortable or annoyed by the actions of others.

It's with much frustration that we address an ongoing issue that has unfortunately become a regular occurrence at MoJoe's Cafe. There has been a trend of disrespectful behavior from youth that visit MoJoe’s.

While we know that young people can sometimes be loud and energetic it has reached a point where it’s beyond disruptive to both our staff and our loyal customers. We are specifically frustrated with the middle schoolers who frequent our establishment that show no respect for our staff, our customers, other students, and our physical property.

Parents, PLEASE have a serious conversation with your child if they visit MoJoe’s, any establishment in the Village Westpark Center or Nella Luken Park that is behind MoJoe’s and kitchen747.

We recognize that not all middle schoolers cause trouble, but we find ourselves in a position where we must establish clear guidelines for young students who visit MoJoe's. Adult supervision may be required if this problem does not clear up.

We are determined to maintain a culture of mutual respect, kindness, and thoughtfulness.

Warm regards, 

The MoJoe's Cafe Team

CAASPP Testing

It's the time for our Bobcats to show CA what they have learned! Over the next 3 weeks, all of our Bobcats will demonstrate their knowledge on the ELA and Math on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and our 8th grade Bobcats will show off their Science knowledge on the California Science Test (CAST). Help your students do their best by reminding them to:

  • Go to bed at a reasonable hour and put all electronics away before bed. #BobcatsNeedBeautySleep
  • Eat a healthy breakfast so their brains are energized 
  • Have a positive mindset
All CAASPP testing will be completed in your students regular ELA, Math, or Science classroom. Our testing dates are:
  • 4/22-4/26: 8th Grade CAST Testing
  • 4/26-5/3: ELA CAASPP Testing
  • 5/2-5/9: Math CAASPP Testing

Chilton's annual Color Run is happening on May 14th! 
This is an amazing opportunity for our students to engage in fitness in a fun manner while raising money to support our school! Donate Here!

Counseling Update

RCSD is committed to providing quality education to its students. In an effort to achieve this goal, school staff or parents/guardians may refer students for counseling, or students may request counseling. The aim of the school counseling services is to help students have more effective education and socialization within the school community. Possible counseling topics are coping with changes, transition, self-esteem, friendship and relationship issues, study skills, stress management, fears or worries, academic progress, conflict resolution, social skills, adjustment to school or culture, etc. These services are available at no cost. RCSD school counselors offer short‐term individual counseling to students, as well as small group counseling. If you would like more information about counseling services available on our site, please contact your student's school counselor.

  • 6th: Tonia Stallions tstallions@rcsdk8.org
  • 7th: Brooke Melian bmelian@rcsdk8.org
  • 8th: Meg Murray mmurray01@rcsdk8.org

Chilton Core Values

Chilton's April Core Value is PERSEVERANCE

At Chilton:

We see challenges as stepping-stones not roadblocks. We respond to challenging learning through persistence and enthusiasm, knowing that when we struggle through something, we end up growing. Approaching work with this mindset encourages our school community to focus on continuous improvement regardless of where we begin.

Talk with your child about what PERSEVERANCE means to your family!

Bobcat Bucks

Did you know your students can earn Bobcat Bucks every single day inside and outside the classroom? 🐾 Your student can earn them by being Safe, Responsible, and Respectful. The best part? Bobcat Bucks open the doors to the Student Store where students can redeem their Bobcat Bucks for snacks, swag, and skip the line passes! 

Encourage positive behaviors and let the adventure begin! 🎈🐾 

Student Store

Our online student store is now live! Currently, you have the option to purchase additional PE clothes and make athletic team donations. In the next several weeks, we may be adding more items to purchase.

Check out the store today! https://chiltonms.myschoolcentral.com/

Chilton Clubs

Below are our current club offerings with the teacher who is hosting the club. These will be updated as more clubs are offered throughout the year. Please have your student reach out to the listed teacher for more information.
  • Rubix Cube Club (6th Grade Lunch only) - Miss Freitas
  • Christian Club (8th Grade Lunch only) - Mrs. Mosakowski
  • Pokémon and Chess Club - Miss Nguyen
  • Art Club - Russell
  • Spring Play (begins in winter) - Donahue
  • Jazz Band Club - Sugano
  • Karaoke Club - Freitas
  • Allies Club - Beck (6th), Andersen (7th), Schuetz (8th)
  • Math Olympiad - Mr. Nguyen and Mrs. Harrison
  • Chilton Cares Club - Sobczak (in the front office)
  • Classic Movie Club - McGee (6th), Donahue (7th), Fry (8th)

Cultural Fun Fact

Earth Day has been held annually on April 22nd since 1970 and is organized globally by EarthDay.org with a goal to reduce plastic production and consumption. Their mission is "to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 150,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet."

For more information on Earth Day and to learn about activities you can do with your student to celebrate Earth Day, visit earthday.org

Student IDs

Every Chilton student was given an ID card when they had their school pictures taken. This ID card is used to check-out library books, scan for school lunch, and other school functions. All students should bring their ID with them to school everyday. If a student lost their ID, they can purchase a replacement ID for a discounted price of $1 in the office by speaking with Mrs. McCall.

If a student forgets their ID, they CAN still get lunch. However, they will be sent to the back of the line. This is because they can no longer type in their number and our lunch ladies have to type it in for them. As a result, it takes longer. But not to worry! There is still PLENTY of food left for them and multiple options, and our line finishes within the first 10 minutes of lunch.

Incoming Freshmen Class of 2028

For our current 8th grader families, please review the below important information regarding high school registration.
  • Freshmen Orientation/Panther Pick-Up Day is in August 2024

Community Happenings & Resources

Please take a few moments to look through the different events happening throughout our community and the resources that are available to community members.

Visitor and Volunteer Reminders

We appreciate our many visitors and volunteers throughout the school year. Please read these quick reminders for taking photos and/or videos of students on any RCSD campus or during any RCSD activity.

  • We want to remind all visitors and volunteers that some of our students are exempt from having their photo or information shared publicly. For student privacy purposes, please only photograph and/or video your own student(s) when on campus, while attending a class field trip, etc.
  • Please do not share photos of any student besides your own on online platforms. If others are in the photo, please crop or blur/hide their faces.
  • For safety purposes, also do not share room numbers or school site maps on online platforms
  • Photos of students during events which are open to the community (after school hours festivals, sporting events, performances, etc.) are allowed. All attendees of these community events should be aware that photos and/or videos may be shared on online platforms.

Please contact Mr. Ancker if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students and staff safe.


Here are a few reminders from our librarian:

  • Do not loan your textbooks/Chromebooks/library books/ or chargers to other students.
  • All lost or damaged materials must be paid for. Bills will be mailed home at the end of the school year for all missing textbooks, as well as those that are returned damaged.  Please make checks for textbooks payable to Roseville City School District.
  • Unpaid fines will remain on your student’s account until all books are returned or fines are paid in full.  In addition, students with outstanding fines will not receive their  yearbooks at the end of the year, and may not be allowed to participate in year end activities.


Parent Student Handbook 2023-2024

Here is the 2023-24 Student-Parent Handbook. Please read this over with your student(s) to learn the policies and procedures for Chilton Middle School. Each student will receive a hard copy of the handbook with a daily planner built in for students to use to write down important dates and to stay organized with their classwork.


Attendance is vital for every child every day as lifelong habits are established in the early school years and contribute to student success throughout their school career and beyond. The best way to keep up with your student's curriculum pacing is to ensure they are in class daily and engaging with peers and their teachers.

Please be reminded that our upcoming vacation days for Trimester 3 are:

  • Monday, May 27th (Memorial Day)

Please try and schedule appointments on non-school days and after school. If your child will be absent for an extended period, please visit our district website or contact the school's front office to set up a short-term independent study contract. 

Reporting Absences

There are many ways to report your student's absence and it is important that you report it to us as soon as possible. We wanted to highlight the different options:

Traffic Reminders

  • Please follow all traffic and parking laws on and around our school to help safeguard our students.
  • Please do not park in front of other's driveways, garages, or designated no parking areas around the campus (including the bus loop) and surrounding neighborhood.
  • Please make sure to obey instructions from the Crossing Guards (California Vehicle Code 2815).

Please no parking in the middle of the parking lot. This causes traffic back ups and doesn't allow others to pull out of their parking spots safely and efficiently.

Please make sure to safely pull forward as far as you can to keep traffic moving.

Have your student meet you at your car further down the line rather than at the beginning of the parking lot. This will allow traffic to flow more efficiently. Please use these two lanes only to drop off and pick students up.

Deliveries, Food Drop-offs, and Messages to Students

Parents are NOT PERMITTED to bring in or drop off any food or drink (including water bottles). This includes food delivery services. Lunches are offered for free, so any forgotten lunch can be supplemented by cafeteria offerings. We also have multiple water fountains in classrooms and around campus for students to use.
Items delivered or left in the office by parents will not be delivered to students.

Students will not be notified of items in the office and it is the responsibility of the student to come to the office during lunch or passing periods to pick up items. We will only deliver emergency messages to students.

 School Spirit

   Make sure to wear your orange and blue every
   Friday to show school spirit!

    Website:      https://chilton.rcsdk8.org/

    Location:     4501 Bob Doyle Drive, Roseville, CA, USA
    Phone:        (916) 771-1870
    Facebook:   facebook.com/RCSDChilton

    Instagram:  @rcsdchilton

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